Я одна, но всё же я есть. Я не могу сделать всё, но всё же могу сделать что-то. И я не откажусь сделать то немногое, что могу (c)
По просьбе  aganyaz1974 выкладываю несколько книг, посвященных математическим олимпиадам в Китае. Книги взяты с Гигапедии, поиском других книг не занималась. Если у кого есть книги, посвященные этой теме, просьба дополнить подборку.
Книги на английском языке.

Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad Courses: For Junior Section Vol 1,2
Product Description:

Olympiad mathematics is not a collection of techniques of solving mathematical problems but a system for advancing mathematical education. This book is based on the lecture notes of the mathematical Olympiad training courses conducted by the author in Singapore. Its scope and depth not only covers and exceeds the usual syllabus, but introduces a variety concepts and methods in modern mathematics. In each lecture, the concepts, theories and methods are taken as the core. The examples are served to explain and enrich their intension and to indicate their applications. Besides, appropriate number of test questions is available for reader's practice and testing purpose. Their detailed solutions are also conveniently provided. The examples are not very complicated so that readers can easily understand. There are many real competition questions included which students can use to verify their abilities. These test questions are from many countries, e.g. China, Russia, USA, Singapore, etc. In particular, the reader can find many questions from China, if he is interested in understanding mathematical Olympiad in China. This book serves as a useful textbook of mathematical Olympiad courses, or as a reference book for related teachers and researchers.

Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad Courses: For Junior Section Vol 1 (Mathematical Olympiad Series)
By Xu Jiagu
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Number Of Pages: 184
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9814293547
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9789814293549
Product Description:
Operations on Rational Numbers
Linear Equations of Single Variable
Multiplication Formulae
Absolute Value and Its Applications
Congruence of Triangles
Similarity of Triangles
Divisions of Polynomials
Solutions to Testing Questions

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Lecture Notes on Mathematical Olympiad Courses: For Junior Section, Vol. 2 (Mathematical Olympiad Series)
By Xu Jiagu
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Number Of Pages: 192
Publication Date: 2009-12-11
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9814293555
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9789814293556
Product Description:
Congruence of Integers
Decimal Representation of Integers
Pigeonhole Principle
Linear Inequality and System of Linear Inequalities
Inequalities with Absolute Values
Geometric Inequalities
Solutions to Testing Questions
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Chinese Mathematics Competitions and Olympiads, Book 1: 1981-1993 (Enrichment Series, Volume 13)
By Andy Liu
Publisher: AMT Publishing
Number Of Pages: 194
Publication Date: 1998
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1876420006
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781876420000
Product Description:
This book contains the problems and solutions of two contests: the Chinese National High School Competition from 1981-82 to 1992-93, and the Chinese Mathematical Olympiad from 198586 to 199293. China has an outstanding record in the International Mathematical Olympiad, and the book contains the problems which were used to identify the team candidates and select the Chinese teams. The problems are meticulously constructed, many with distinctive flavour. They come in all levels of difficulty, from the relatively basic to the most challenging.
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Chinese Mathematics Competitions and Olympiads, Book 2: 1993-2001 (Enrichment Series, Volume 22)
By Andy Liu
Publisher: AMT Publishing
Number Of Pages: 174
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1876420162
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781876420161
Product Description:
This book is a continuation of the earlier volume (1981-1993) and covers the years 1993 to 2001. China has an outstanding record in the International Mathematical Olympiad, and the book contains the problems which were used to identify the team candidates and select the Chinese teams. The problems are meticulously constructed, many with distinctive flavour. They come in all levels of difficulty, from the relatively basic to the most challenging.
Скачать DjVu, 400dpi, searchable, single pages, cover (color), backcover (color). Size 2.11mb rar'd mediafire.com || ifolder.ru
Mathematical Olympiad in China: Problems and Solutions
By Bin Xiong, Yee Lee Peng

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Number Of Pages: 276
Publication Date: 2007-06-20
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9812707891
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9789812707895
Binding: Paperback
Product Description:
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is a competition for high school students. China has taken part in IMO twenty times since 1985 and has won the top ranking for countries thirteen times, with a multitude of golds for individual students. The 6 students China sent every year were selected from 20 to 30 students among approximately 130 students who take part in the China Mathematical Competition during the winter months. This volume comprises a collection of original problems with solutions that China used to train their Olympiad team in the years from 2003 to 2006.
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Mathematical Olympiad in China (2007-2008): Problems and Solutions
by: Xiong Bin, Lee Peng Yee

en | World Scientific Publishing Company
Number Of Pages: 194
Publication Date: 2009-05-21
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 9814261149
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9789814261142
Product Description:
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is a competition for high school students. China has taken part in the IMO 21 times since 1985 and has won the top ranking for countries 14 times, with a multitude of golds for individual students. The six students China has sent every year were selected from 20 to 30 students among approximately 130 students who took part in the annual China Mathematical Competition during the winter months. This volume comprises a collection of original problems with solutions that China used to train their Olympiad team in the years from 2006 to 2008. Mathematical Olympiad problems with solutions for the years 2002 2006 appear in an earlier volume, Mathematical Olympiad in China.
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Напоминаю, что у нас есть еще разделы:
Литература по подготовке к математическим олимпиадам (часть I)
Литература по подготовке к математическим олимпиадам (часть II)

@темы: Олимпиадные задачи, Литература

23.09.2010 в 06:26

Белый и пушистый (иногда)
Большое спасибо! Но скачивать буду вечером из дома.
26.09.2010 в 16:14

О, спасибо... давно было интересно чему же их там учат в Поднебесной.
01.05.2014 в 07:57

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